Trending Now - This Writer Tries To Roast Millenials For Not Reading Books, Gets Destroyed With Statistics
Oh, how much the older generation loves bashing young people. There’s not much to be mad about, as it has been this way since forever. But the recent trend of blaming everything on millennials is getting really tiresome (remember when someone tried to blame millennials for destroying the pet food industry?). However, such strategies usually backfire big time, when young people respond. Recently, Ann Coulter (for those not in the know, she’s a social and political commentator, writer, columnist, and lawyer) tried to roast young people by implying that they don’t read books. Well, as we’ve mentioned before, spreading false information can backfire quickly, especially on social media.
According to a recent survey, 18 to 29-year-olds are the age group that is most likely to have read a book over the past year (digital or paper)
Image credits: Barbara W
But there are still some people that insist that the selfie-taking, Snapchat-obsessed, texting generation has never held a book in its hands, let alone read it.
Recently, Aaron M. Sanchez asked Twitter to name something from childhood that someone younger wouldn’t understand
Image credits: AaronMSanchez
Aaron M. Sanchez, an ABC radio host posted on his Twitter: “Without saying how old you are, name one thing from your childhood someone younger wouldn’t understand.”
And Ann Coulter’s response is not sitting well with some people
Image credits: AnnCoulter
So, someone responded to her with an image of the 2016 statistics attached
Image credits: MerelyACrow
Image credits: Marketing Charts
For those who are into more recent statistics, here’s one from 2018, depicting adults who have read a book in the last 12 months in the United States by age
Image credits: Statista
“While it is mostly believed that book reading is a vanishing pastime, particularly among millennials, surveys among consumers in the U.S. have shown the opposite. The share of book readers in the U.S. has varied from 72 percent to 79 percent between 2011 and 2016,” states Therefore, contrary to popular belief, millennials read more than older generations do. And not only that – they actually read more than the previous generation did at the same age. What is even more interesting is that books are seemingly resisting the digital trend that has overtaken other media industries, for instance, television or music. Some argue that it is due to the physical feeling of holding a paper book in your hands, or, as professor Naomi Baron puts it: “there’s a physical, tactile, kinesthetic component to reading.” It seems that even the cheap prices and easy portability of e-books are not enough to make the readers forget paper books altogether.