Trending Now - The Way This Woman Shut Down A Jiffy Lube Employee Who Sent Her Inappropriate Texts Is Epic
The #MeToo movement was not just a 2018 fad, and despite the social strides from the previous year it’s going to take more than a Gillette ad to move some men in the right direction. One Twitter user proved just how important everyday lessons in accountability are when she posted an inappropriate text message exchange her sister had with an employee at Jiffy Lube. Instead of merely getting offended the woman took the opportunity to teach the man a lesson about harassment with one epic text message response. Scroll down below to see how the conversation played out and how she shut him down.
Image credits: Matt Krause (not the actual photo)
Image credits: LovableAndKind
The company responded to the thread
Image credits: jiffylub
And everyone else in the comments applauded her powerful response
Image credits: HoaxMakesMusic
Image credits: 5tar_kid
Image credits: NehpetsSnikrep
Image credits: HoaxMakesMusic
Image credits: therealdrdark
Image credits: Septimus_ii
Image credits: RanqueBenoit
Image credits: merveille
Image credits: Imanitsud
Image credits: CathyPegau
Image credits: JDHadidian
Image credits: ShaleeFuller
Image credits: PSSuzanne
Image credits: IrvingsRoost
Image credits: LeeNapier7
Image credits: chelskels
Image credits: whatmaddness