[Amazing] 25 Brutal Serial Killer Families

Here is a truly scary list: 25 brutal serial killer families! When you think “serial killer,” it’s likely a sociopathic and anti-social loner comes to mind. But, that’s not always the case. Over the years, there’s been a number of brutal serial killer families, working together toward one nefarious goal.

There’s something even more terrifying about this fact. It’s one thing for a single psychopath to buy into their own insanity, but quite another for several others to buy into it, too. Yet, that’s exactly what happened. Whether it was a couple agreeing to do heinous acts against their fellow man or an entire family conspiring to torture, rape, and murder, these 25 brutal serial killer families were the lowest of the low. Fair warning, this list is not for the faint of heart.

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