[Amazing] 25 Most Epic Mullets Ever
It’s easy to feel torn about the most epic mullets ever. You’ve likely seen a good mullet in your time, maybe even a great one. But epic? Those are a rare breed, reserved in the hallowed halls of MacGyver and Bon Jovi. From tattoos to beards, people assert their individuality through a number of mediums. Let’s be honest, though, tattoos and beards are easy. The mullet is hard. Only a brave few dare venture into that territory. With that said, it’s not recommended you tame such a wildebeest. No, sir, the good old “business in the front, party in the back” mullet can only be perfected by a select few. No matter hard you try, you likely will never be able to rock a mullet like one of these 25 most epic mullets ever.
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