[Amazing] 25 Terrifying Robots Currently In Development

Amazing advancements in technology in recent years have led to some terrifying robots currently in development. With those advancements come new opportunities that we have never before thought possible. Robots today are capable of going to the furthest reaches of the planet, communicate like humans, and even learn, but as anyone who has watched any of the “Terminator” movies can tell you, this could be just as scary a prospect as it is exciting.

Nowadays, we have robots that can outrun us, outsmart us, and even some that can kill us if they tried. As AI improves each year, it may not be long before they think for themselves. With all that said, here are 25 of the most terrifying robots currently in development. Make sure to remember their names, because some of the machines might just take over the world some day.

The post 25 Terrifying Robots Currently In Development appeared first on List25.

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