Trending Now - “Eminem Never Smiles So I Made Him:” Guy Photoshops Eminem’s Pics And It’s Too Funny
Ever Since Marshall Mathers, AKA Eminem (amongst other names) exploded on the scene in the late 90s, he has become a firmly established part of our pop culture. From his controversial, and often humorous beginnings under the persona Slim Shady, he evolved over time into a more serious, introspective figure that made us think more deeply about social and psychological issues such as poverty, inequality and addiction.
Mathers’ difficult upbringing is well-documented. This, combined with his angrier, more thoughtful demeanor, makes it understandable that he’s often seen in public with a neutral expression. I mean, it would be just odd if this furiously intense man was frequently pictured with a luxurious, beaming smile. Wouldn’t it?
Photoshop funster Mike Brown, whose Facebook intro is “make someone smile every day,” decided to test this theory and shared a cleverly curated collection of Eminem in various ‘before and after’ pics. The original photos portray the man as we know him best: smoldering, serious, straight-faced. The doctored pics give a startlingly different vibe, however, with the addition of an outrageously cheesy grin creating an amusing but at times creepy look reminiscent of the ‘Hide The Pain Harold‘ meme.
Perhaps now we can see why Eminem chooses not to smile very often?
Scroll down to see the rest of Mike’s admirable efforts to “make Eminem smile every day,” and let us know what you think in the comments!