Trending Now - Woman Shares Visual Metaphor That Explains The Stages Of Grief And It’s Helping People To Understand Their Loss

Grief sucks. Losing a loved one is one of the most difficult experiences you’ll have to endure in your life, there is simply no avoiding the heartache and intense feelings of emptiness. However, by learning to understand grief, you can eventually help yourself come to terms with it and allow your life to move on.

Image credits: LaurenHerschel

To help people make a little sense of their feelings during this troubling time, Twitter user Lauren Herschel shared an analogy she learned from her doctor. The simple but powerful visual shows a large ball inside a box, with a red “pain” button inside. The ball represents grief, which in the beginning is constantly bumping up against the pain button. Over time, however, the ball shrinks, giving more space in your life with contact with pain. It is always there though, and can that button can get hit randomly at any time, and it’s no less painful.

Image credits: LaurenHerschel

Image credits: LaurenHerschel

Image credits: LaurenHerschel

Image credits: LaurenHerschel

Image credits: LaurenHerschel

Image credits: LaurenHerschel

Image credits: LaurenHerschel

Image credits: LaurenHerschel

Image credits: LaurenHerschel

Image credits: LaurenHerschel

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