[Amazing] 20 Best Flat Earth Memes To Make You A Believer!

Introducing our new list: 20 best flat earth memes to make you a believer. Keep in mind, we mean that with a pinch of salt. However, The Flat Earth society embraces the concept. And, there is a Netflix documentary called “Behind the Curve,” that explores the idea earth is flat.

The theory seems fantastical, but The Flat Earth Society is behind it. Established with several goals in mind, the organization means business. According to its website, their mission is “… to hosts information and serves as an archive for Flat Earth Theory. It also offers an opportunity to discuss this with the Flat Earth community on our forums.”

So, further ado, here are 20 best flat earth memes to make you a believer!

The post 20 Best Flat Earth Memes To Make You A Believer! appeared first on List25.

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