[Amazing] 25 Records That No One Thought Could Be Broken But Were

It seems that it is just basic human nature to observe a glass ceiling in all its unreachable loftiness…and just want to smash it to pieces. The Guinness Book of World Records was created in 1955 and continues to publish outrageous and incredible feats. The book documents both world records of human achievement and extremes of the natural world.Not be outdone by the impressive deeds within its pages, the book itself holds the title of the best-selling copyrighted book of all time. As of 2019, it is in its 64th year of publication and has been published in 100 countries and over 23 languages.

The Guinness Book of World Records has become just more than just an interesting read. It is now the international authority on cataloging and verifying world records. People all over the world strive to make their mark in history. Their only goal is to be featured in The Guinness Book of World Records!

So, without further ado, here are 25 of those brave individuals, breaking records at no one thought could be broken but were.

The post 25 Records That No One Thought Could Be Broken But Were appeared first on List25.

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