Trending Now - 30 Everyday Objects Cut In Half Show What They Are Made Of
If you were one of those hands-on children, who would cut in half their new toys just to see what’s inside – this list is for you. Bored Panda already did a list on how common objects look from unusual perspectives – but this time, we’re making the list solely on things that are cross-sectioned. There are number of random objects about which we were all wondering “what if I’d cut it open just to see what’s hiding within?” Well, you can put away your knife and scissors now as there are people around the world who have already done it and took pictures of it so that you don’t have to. Everything from bullets to hockey helmets, from pearls to baseballs – we’ve got it covered in this extensive list. Scroll down below to see the photos for yourself and don’t forget to vote for those, which you liked the most.
Old style Zippo Lighter
CT Scanner
Turtle shell
Gun silencers
Leica Lens
Dirt Bike Tyre
A hockey helmet
Rattle snake rattle
A hockey helmet
A typewriter
Old style Zippo lighter
CT Scanner
A turtle shell
Gun silencers
Leica lens
Dirt bike tyre
Rattle snake rattle
Human heart
Rabbit burrow
Range Rover
Banana tree stem
Shanxi Chinese type 17 handgun
American Bison
Military tank
Porcelain toilet
Bowling ball
Canon camera lens
Colt 45 gun
Airsoft electric gun
Under sea cable
Wasp nest
Mercedes airbag inside steering
Hand grenade
Humpback whale
Bamboo stem
MLB baseball
Tree fern cross section
Image credits: RyanSmith
Standard sink tap
Image credits: TheBX
Seawater valve used for firefighting aboard ships
Image credits: CDR_KEEN
Vaccine container (the “Keg of Life”)
Cross-section of poppy capsule
Image credits: RyanSmith
Mechanical calculator
Image credits: kymray
1953 Corvette
Image credits: Sheepwader
Winchester 1873 lever action rifle
Image credits: codyfirearmsmuseum
40mm High Explosive and High Explosive Dual Purpose grenades
Image credits: jaykirsch
‘Lasagna’ style bulb planting
Image credits: commoninja352
Image credits: rustedsorrows232
Mammoth tusk cross section
Image credits: BetaKeyTakeaway
Sectioned fire-tube boiler from a DRB Class 50 locomotive
Image credits: Wikipedia Commons
Section of Golden Gate Bridge cable
Image credits: jaykirsch
Ammonite fossil from Madagascar
Image credits: Judelinn
Image credits: speckz
Subsea oilfield control umbilical
Image credits: Tony3696
Fukang meteorite
Image credits: SovreignTripod
Control linkage on a North American T-6 Texan trainer aircraft
Image credits: Wikipedia Commons
Dassault Mirage F1
Image credits: BestioleRaccoon
Simulation to what happens when a small space debris object hits a spacecraft
Image credits: Cropitekus
Rock in New Zealand
Image credits: pitcher654
‘Cluster Bomb Unit-24’ (CBU-24) unguided aircraft-delivered weapon containing 665 fragmentaton bomblets
Image credits: jaykirsch
‘Mark Twain Tree’ sequoia section with historical notations from year 550 to 1891
Image credits: jaykirsch