[Amazing] 25 Coolest Things Your History Book Never Taught You About Abraham Lincoln
Although he is possibly the most talked about president in history, there are probably numerous things that you still don’t know about good ole’ Honest Abe. To start with, did you know that he hated being called Abe? Apparently even his wife called him Mr. Lincoln. And he wasn’t exactly a social person. According to some accounts he was often so lost in thought that he could walk right past you in the street. A man of few friends some would say. But Abraham Lincoln’s life was a lot more unique than that. He was the tallest president at 6’4″ (193 cm) and had the biggest shoe (size 14 US). He was also a wrestler, something that he was quite good at. Did your history book ever mention these Abraham Lincoln facts?
Combining his athletic pursuits with the fact that he never finished college would seem to make him an unlikely candidate for office. But with less than 12 months of formal schooling, that’s exactly what he did. While there are plenty of legends surrounding his life, there almost don’t have to be. His life was legendary just as it was. And that is probably at least partly why he is still one of the better known presidents. These are the 25 coolest things your history book never taught you about Abraham Lincoln!