[Amazing] 25 Fascinating Exoplanets To Blow Your Scientific Mind
How would you like to live on another planet? Granted it’s not possible right now but scientists have been able to find other planets that could (maybe, possibly) be suitable for life. Sadly these exoplanets are not in our solar system.
An exoplanet is any planet that orbits a star other than our sun and come in all sizes; from bigger than Jupiter to smaller than Earth. Just as in our solar system, exoplanets can orbit their own stars from any distance. In fact, some exoplanets orbit so close to their stars that their surface temperatures can reach temperatures upwards of 2,200 °C (you definitely don’t want to live there). However, some exoplanets will orbit at just the right distance (known as the “habitable zone”) and are the right temperature to have liquid water on their surface which means they might be able to support life. These are but a couple of the many fascinating exoplanets found out there.
The problem, however, is that exoplanets are hard to see directly from Earth and for that reason we don’t know much about them. Because of the distance, or because many of them happen to be really small and faint, they are easily lost in the glare of the bright stars they orbit, so we often use indirect methods to find them. One of these is called the transit method, by which we carefully measure the brightness of a star over a long period of time and look for periodic decreases in the brightness that are caused by a planet passing in front of it. Using these method we have been able to find so many peculiar planets! So if you are ready to learn about some of the most peculiar planets in our universe, get ready because these are 25 Fascinating Exoplanets To Blow Your Scientific Mind.