[Amazing] 25 Of The Strangest Fruits You Have Ever Seen
What are some of the strangest fruits you have ever eaten? Is the bitter gourd one of them? Maybe the Physalis? While you may have had the exotic privilege of eating exotic fruits, what you may not realize is just how many exotic fruits there are exist. Well, first of all, let’s backtrack. Many of the things that you would consider to be vegetables are technically fruits. Why technically? Because “vegetable” is not a scientific word. It has no precise definition. It is a culinary word that more or less describes a savory food originating from a plant. This can be a root (like a carrot) or the plant itself (like a cabbage). A scientist would most likely divide these “plant centric” foods into fruits, roots, leaves, etc. A chef, on the other hand, would most likely just use the terms “fruit” and “vegetable”. Now that we have that out of the way we are going to focus on fruits.
Assuming that you live in an English speaking country that isn’t in Africa or Asia (India, Nigeria, etc) the fruit you are about to see aren’t your everyday fruits. While Europeans and North Americans are exposed to what they see as your “standard fruits” (bananas, apples, blueberries, etc), people in many other countries have very little knowledge of such fruits. To them, apples and blueberries are extremely exotic. The point, however, is this – that exoticism is relative. At any rate, for most of you these will be 25 of the strangest fruits you have ever seen!