[Amazing] 25 Wild Things About The Amazon That Make It One Of The Most Unique Places On Earth
The Amazon is a crazy place. It’s filled with things that you would never expect or know were there. Did you know that a sizable portion of all the drinking water in the world can be found in the Amazon? The Amazon River has a greater flow of water than the next 8 largest rivers in the world combined! That is a lot of water to deal with. And did you know that the vast majority of the world’s millions of different species can be found in the Amazon rainforest? It is a hotbed of life! In fact, it is so huge that there are several uncontacted tribes living deep in the jungle. This means that they have not yet made any contact with the outside world. And these are but a few of the wild things that make the Amazon one of the most unique places on Earth.
The history of the Amazon can be quite astounding as well. There are few things as interesting or intriguing to a scientist as the Amazon rainforest. But we don’t want to give all the juice facts away. Keep on reading because these are 25 wild things about the Amazon that make it one of the most unique places on Earth!
Featured Image: pexels