[Amazing] 25 Hard To Swallow Facts About Homelessness
Homelessness is one of those sad things that every culture has had to deal with to some extent since the beginning of civilization. However, different cultures have addressed the issue in different ways. For example, under more socialistic governmental systems, homeless people are typically handled by the government. This involves providing shelter, food, and clothing. Under more capitalist systems, they are typically handled by individuals and organizations. While neither one of these systems is better or worse, there is no system that has managed to fully get to the roots of the problem. This is just one of many sad facts about homelessness.
Oftentimes homelessness starts with mental issues, post traumatic stress disorder, drug use, and disability. One possible reaction is to assume the Darwinist position. This would say that those who cannot provide for themselves will either go hungry or not have a place to live. While most people don’t outright adhere to this position, it is often the underlying assumption that many of us have, especially when we simplify the position into lazy people and non-lazy people. Another possible position is to assume the altruist position. This would say that we should do everything we can to help those who have little. It too, often over simplifies the problem. Not all homeless people are the same and many require different types of assistance. These are 25 hard to swallow facts about homelessness.