[Amazing] 25 People Who Are Having A Worse Day Than You Part 3
It’s been a rough day. You made a mistake at work, had to deal with mean people, traffic was crazy…the works! It’s almost like the universe decided to tell you “HEY, Today, I hate you”! It’s Ok to feel sad, angry, disappointed and quite frankly, over it all. But sometimes, the best way to get over having a bad day is to watch people who are having a worse day than you. We know, that’s a horrible thing to say (or in this case write) but you know it’s true. Guess what? The people you are about to see on this post are definitely having a worse they than you…much, much worse.
Sit back, relax, an laugh at a national park gamekeeper chased by an angry hippo; a hardcore biker who froze to his bike; an unsuspecting guy who got peed-on by a mischievous monkey (eew) or an unfortunate lady who got her head stuck in a bus´ doors. All the poor people you are about to see in this post are definitely having a worse day than you (see, you’re starting to feel better already)! Let’s get you on a better, happier mood with these 25 People Who Are Having A Worse Day Than You.