[Amazing] 25 Ridiculous Facts About Dolphins And Their Incredible Abilities
Dolphins are probably far more diverse than you think. For example, did you know that killer whales are actually dolphins? That’s right. The name “killer whale” actually came about as the result of a mistranslation. So including the killer whales there are about 40 species of dolphins in the world. Now, get ready to have your mind blown. Are you ready? Guess what a dolphin’s closest living relative is. Have you guessed? It’s the hippopotamus. We’re not even joking. Dolphins and hippos diverged about 40 million years ago. Those killer whales are actually more closely related to hippos than they are to their larger whale cousins. And they’re more closely related to you than they are to everything else that lives in the ocean. In fact, dolphins have such “human-like” cognition and behavior that some scientists have proposed for them to be classified as non-human persons. When it comes to intelligence, there are few animals that even come close to the brain of a dolphin. Even your dog would have trouble competing. So get ready to enter the very interesting world of underwater mammals. These are 25 ridiculous facts about dolphins and their incredible abilities.
Featured Image: wikipedia