Viral Now - 6 Reasons You Should Date A Gamer (Girl or Boy)

Most girls are looking for the ravishing bad boy who is going to make their love life interesting, despite the fact they know these boys are trouble. Meanwhile, the nerdy type is left alone with his games. Which is a pity, because there are so many reasons you should be dating a gamer boy. Or a gamer girl, in a boy’s case. You don’t have to know all the games they play, and you don’t have to join the gamer at Comic Con, but once you get to know them better, you will discover how many things you have in common. Plus, gamers are sexy creatures when you manage to take them away from the gaming console.

1. Gamers know the value of alone time

Most gamers know how valuable alone time is and don’t become jealous. They only become jealous when one of their friends has the latest game and they don’t. They will be happy to give you the space you need, as long as you do the same for them. There will be no problem when you want to spend the night with your friends, because your date will be spending the night playing a game. That’s a win-win!

2. Gamers are more intelligent than average

The Department of Defense conducted a study which revealed gamers are more intelligent than the average person. This is because video games ask for a sharp mind and the ability to solve problems fast. Playing a game also requires the ability to focus for a long time and the ability to observe and memorize. All these keep the brain active, just like you keep your muscles active by exercising.

Another habit of a gamer is the love for exploring new technologies. When you are learning to use a new technology, you also exercise your brain, which improves your intelligence.

3. Gamers have a broad imagination

When you are dating a gamer, you will never become bored, because they have really broad imaginations. Because they spend most of their time playing games featuring fantastic worlds, gamers know how to find the awesome in the most mundane things. This will make all of your moments together unique and memorable.

4. Gamers are low-maintenance

Who doesn’t want a low-maintenance date?! Gamers are able to play non-stop for hours on end without eating or asking for anything. They are also going to be ok with staying inside, having some pizza and chilling, just like they will be ok with going out. A gamer is definitely a low-maintenance date. Except for one thing…

5. You will have the best devices

Dating a gamer comes with a lot of perks in the technology area. You will always be able to enjoy the latest gaming chair, you will always have the best speakers and headsets on the market, you will have your own personal computer specialist and you will never have to call for the cable guy to fix the router or something similar. A gamer, boy or girl, knows technologies like his or her own hands and will always be eager to help you out with any tech-related problem you might have. Besides, they will always spend their money on technology instead of on casinos or other people.

6. Gamers are real-life heroes

A gamer never gives up, and when he or she does, he or she is going to use that time to recover, regroup and try again. A gamer will always look for alternatives and keep trying until the problem is solved. The same is valid for your relationship, as giving up is not acceptable for a gamer.

Because gamers are used to waiting – they wait for new games all the time – they will also have patience with you. If you need three hours to get ready for a walk, your gamer date will wait for you and maybe even play one level in the meantime. If you need more time to really find out what you feel about them, your gamer will have patience and won’t give up on you.

The post 6 Reasons You Should Date A Gamer (Girl or Boy) appeared first on Lifehack.

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