[Amazing] 25 Reasons Ireland Gave The World A Lot More Than Just Leprechauns

Known as the Emerald Isle, Ireland is the land of green grass and rain. Divided into the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland (a part of the United Kingdom), its very moderate climate allows for its very lush vegetation. Winters are milder and summers are cooler than they would be at other areas of similar latitude. Although in 1801 Ireland was absorbed into the United Kingdom, it then gained its independence by waging a war of independence during the early 20th century. Ever since then, Europe has had two English speaking countries. What you may have already known (and what we are here to discuss) is Ireland’s disproportionally large impact on the rest of the world in terms of culture. The reason for this is actually a bit bleak. Because of a massive diaspora during the 1800s, millions of Irish left their country and took their culture with them. This was largely due to famine and disease and it has even been said that more Irish people now live outside of Ireland than within it. While that may or may not be true, what we do know is that Ireland’s population has still not recovered. These are 25 reasons Ireland gave the world a lot more than just leprechauns!

Featured Image: Eric via Flickr


All polar bears alive today can trace their ancestry back to one brown bear that lived in Ireland 50,000 years ago

All polar bears alive today can trace their ancestry back to one brown bear that lived in Ireland 50,000 years ago

Source: wired.co.uk, Image: wikipedia


Nigeria consumes more Guinness beer than Ireland does

Nigeria consumes more Guinness beer than Ireland does

Source: globalpost.com, Image: wikipedia


Since the Bronze Age, Ireland has had its own olympics known as the Tailteann Games

Since the Bronze Age, Ireland has had its own olympics known as the Tailteann Games

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The term "boycott" is derived from Irish Captain James Boycott

The term

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Sean's Bar opened in 900AD and never closed. It's still running today!

Sean's Bar opened in 900AD and never closed. It's still running today!

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


According to legend, St. Brendan is said to have discovered America in the 6th century when he sailed west and found an island so big that he couldn't cross it.

According to legend, St. Brendan is said to have discovered America in the 6th century when he sailed west and found an island so big that he couldn't cross it.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Irishman John Tyndall was the first scientist to ever be called a "physicist"

Irishman John Tyndall was the first scientist to ever be called a

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The name prefix "Mac" means "son of". The prefix "O" means "descendant of".

The name prefix

Source: wikipedia


More Irish people live outside of Ireland than in it

More Irish people live outside of Ireland than in it

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay


Next to the Czech Republic, Ireland has the highest per capita beer consumption in the world (131 liters per year)

Next to the Czech Republic, Ireland has the highest per capita beer consumption in the world (131 liters per year)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The Royal Cork Yacht Club opened in 1720 which makes it the world's oldest still running yacht club

The Royal Cork Yacht Club opened in 1720 which makes it the world's oldest still running yacht club

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The world can thank Ireland for U2

The world can thank Ireland for U2

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Ireland has more mobile phones than people

Ireland has more mobile phones than people

Source: truenomads.com, Image: wikipedia


The Titanic was built in Belfast, Northern Ireland

The Titanic was built in Belfast, Northern Ireland

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Halloween comes from an ancient Irish festival known as Samhain

Halloween comes from an ancient Irish festival known as Samhain

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Ireland is one of a few countries in the world that doesn't have any snakes.

Ireland is one of a few countries in the world that doesn't have any snakes.

Source: wikipedia


There are 8 times more Polish speakers in Ireland than there are Gaelic speakers

There are 8 times more Polish speakers in Ireland than there are Gaelic speakers

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In Irish tradition, the birthday child is held upside down and their head is bumped on the floor. The number of bumps is supposed to correspond with the child's age

In Irish tradition, the birthday child is held upside down and their head is bumped on the floor. The number of bumps is supposed to correspond with the child's age

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Ireland's population still hasn't bounced back from the famine in the mid 1800s. It used to be around 8 million, but its only 6.5 million today.

Ireland's population still hasn't bounced back from the famine in the mid 1800s. It used to be around 8 million, but its only 6.5 million today.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Although St. Patrick is most commonly associated with Ireland, he wasn't actually Irish. He was Roman.

Although St. Patrick is most commonly associated with Ireland, he wasn't actually Irish. He was Roman.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Rotunda Hospital in Dublin has the longest operating maternity ward in the world (started in 1745)

Rotunda Hospital in Dublin has the longest operating maternity ward in the world (started in 1745)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Periwinkles are sea snails boiled in salt water

Periwinkles are sea snails boiled in salt water

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Muckanaghederdauhaulia is the longest place name in Ireland

Muckanaghederdauhaulia is the longest place name in Ireland

Source: wikipedia, Image: google


The most famous Irish symbols are the harp, Celtic cross, Irish wolfhound, and obviously the shamrock

The most famous Irish symbols are the harp, Celtic cross, Irish wolfhound, and obviously the shamrock

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The White House was designed by James Hoban, and Irishman

The White House was designed by James Hoban, and Irishman

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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