[Interesting] Watermelon, It’s Nature’s Viagra

There’s nothing more refreshing than a cold, crisp slice of watermelon on a hot summer day. It’s sweet, it’s packed with Vitamin C, and at just 71 calories per serving, it’s a guilt-free snack. But that’s not all it’s good for.

In a recent Italian study, 24 middle-aged men who suffered from “mild” erection problems took a citrulline supplement for a month. After the month trial, 50% of the men said their difficulties cleared up and they had sex more often.

There are a number of foods which contain large amounts of citrulline such as almonds, chickpeas, and cucumbers, dark chocolate (Cacao), salmon and walnuts, however none come as close to providing the amount of citrulline contained in fresh watermelon.

Some researchers have gone as far to say that watermelon has a Viagra-like effect when it comes to preventing erectile dysfunction (ED).

To investigate the potential erection-boosting properties of watermelon juice, a team of Italian researchers at the University of Foggia, observed the effect of oral L-citrulline supplementation on men who suffer from mild to moderate erectile dysfunction. Twenty-four men with a mean age of 57 who had an Erection Hardness Score (EHS) of 3 (score of 0 means “penis does not enlarge” and a score of 4 means “penis is completely hard and fully rigid”) were recruited for the study. These men received a placebo for one month and L-citrulline, 1.5 grams per deciliter, for another month.

Researchers in Oklahoma found that consuming a couple of glasses of watermelon juice a day raised L-arginine levels significantly.

L-Arginine is a precursor to nitric oxide and known as a blood vessel relaxer which can improve blood circulation within the body to all viral parts.

Based on hundreds of studies, L-arginine (an essential amino acid and one of the building blocks of proteins) has become known as a safe and effective prosexual nutrient for both men and woman.

L-arginine, a precursor of nitric acid has shown to improve blood circulation necessary for healthy sexual function of both men and woman.

Citrulline and arginine are also both important in vasodilation (the widening of blood vessel) which results in relaxation of smooth muscle cells within vessel walls.

This results in improved blood flow to the genital area by dilating blood vessels and helping the penis to enlarge to full capacity – allowing increased size, hardness and erection frequency.

It has also been reported that L-arginine can improve fertility in men, improve endurance and provide stronger more intense orgasms.

In 2008, a team of researchers at Texas A&M found ingredients in watermelon that deliver Viagra-like effects to the body’s blood vessels may even increase libido. “Arginine boosts nitric oxide, which relaxes blood vessels, the same basic effect that Viagra has, to treat erectile dysfunction and maybe even prevent it,” said Dr. Bhimu Patil, director of Texas A&M’s Fruit and Vegetable Improvement Center in College Station, according to Science Daily.

Although watermelon may not be as organ-specific as Viagra, it can give Viagra-like effects without the drug’s side effects. This may be good news for men who cannot safely take erectile dysfunction medications if they have heart problems, high or low blood pressure, a history of stroke, eye problems, severe liver disease, and kidney disease, says the Mayo Clinic. Men without a history of the health problems listed above can experience side effects such as headache, indigestion, and in rare cases, dizziness or fainting.

What you need
  • Watermelon
  • Pomegranate
  • Some people add the juice of a lemon
  • water
  • blender
  • glass
  • strainer
So use twice as much watermelon as pomegranates and the juice of one lemon, This can be 1/4 watermelon and 1 pomegranate. Mix them together in the blender. You can then strain if you want smooth juice but eating the seeds and such might help the erection. Try it both ways. .

This powerful love potion works best when taken empty stomach, ideally early in the morning and before dinner and anywhere between 2 tablespoons to 1/3 of the cup, depending on the body weight and size.

Medical Daily

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