[Amazing] 25 Reasons Superman Is One Of The Coolest Superheroes Ever

There are a lot of superheroes out there, some are cooler than others. But there is one that is far cooler than the rest. Superman of course. Okay, we know, not everyone is going to agree. And that is fine. Wolverine is cool too. And so is Batman. And Spiderman. But this list isn’t about them! This list is about Superman and giving you a good number of solid reasons as to why you would be perfectly justified in thinking he is the coolest superhero ever!

First of all, he is borderline indestructible. His only weakness is kryptonite (and magic). And he is an alien. Which definitely earns some cool points. Okay, enough of that, in this list we are going to go behind the scenes. We will see some quirky things about the making of Superman, strange episodes that he featured in, and interesting trivia concerning the series. Even if you are not a comic book lover you will almost surely find something cool in this list. After all, everybody knows who Superman is. He’s the prototypical superhero. Cape, check. Tights, check. Symbol, check. Super powers, check. Without further ado, these are 25 reasons Superman is one of the coolest superheroes ever!

Featured Image: Gareth Simpson via Flickr


The Royal Canadian Mint is printing superman coins

The Royal Canadian Mint is printing superman coins

Source: mint.ca, Image: wikipedia


According to the story, Lex Luthor is upset with Superman because he thinks Superman caused him to go bald when Superman was a child

According to the story, Lex Luthor is upset with Superman because he thinks Superman caused him to go bald when Superman was a child

Source: cracked.com, Image: JD Hancock via Flickr


In 1945 the US government tried to censor a Superman comic that involved scientists creating an atomic bomb by splitting atoms

In 1945 the US government tried to censor a Superman comic that involved scientists creating an atomic bomb by splitting atoms

Source: thespeedingbullet.com, Image: wikipedia


Henry Cavill almost didn't get picked to play Superman in "Man of Steel" because he was busy playing his favorite game...World of Warcraft

Henry Cavill almost didn't get picked to play Superman in

Source: huffingtonpost.com, Image: wikipedia


In one version of Superman, he is raised in the Soviet Union

In one version of Superman, he is raised in the Soviet Union

Source: wikipedia, Image: supermanredson via deviantart


In the Marvel Universe, Clark Kent is also a character but he is nothing more than a news reporter

In the Marvel Universe, Clark Kent is also a character but he is nothing more than a news reporter

Source: marvunapp.com, Image: wikipedia


At first, Superman was conceived to be a bald villain with telepathic powers that was intent on taking over the world

At first, Superman was conceived to be a bald villain with telepathic powers that was intent on taking over the world

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


When Batman and Superman were restarted in the 2000s, Superman Returns out-earned Batman Begins

When Batman and Superman were restarted in the 2000s, Superman Returns out-earned Batman Begins

Source: imdb, Image: Jordan Lackey via Flickr


At one point in the comics, Superman is bitten by Dracula but because Superman gets his power from the Sun, Dracula just explodes

At one point in the comics, Superman is bitten by Dracula but because Superman gets his power from the Sun, Dracula just explodes

Source: ifanboy.com, Image: wikipedia


In Muay Thai, fighters use something called the "superman punch". This involves faking a kick so that the subsequent punch is more powerful

In Muay Thai, fighters use something called the

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In 1938, DC comics paid the creators of Superman only $138 for the exclusive rights to his character

In 1938, DC comics paid the creators of Superman only $138 for the exclusive rights to his character

Source: comicsalliance.com, Image: wikipedia

If you enjoy Superman, you might enjoy these 25 Alternate Versions Of Superman That Are Bizarrely Cool.


George Reeves, who played Superman in the 50s, once had a young boy pull a gun on him to "test his invulnerability". He convinced the boy to hand over the pistol because the bullet might hurt other people after it bounced off his chest

George Reeves, who played Superman in the 50s, once had a young boy pull a gun on him to

Source: imdb, Image: wikipedia


Nicholas Cage gave his son the name Kal-el (this was Superman's birth name)

Nicholas Cage gave his son the name Kal-el (this was Superman's birth name)

Source: bbc, Image: wikipedia


In a 1978 comic, Superman teams up with Muhammad Ali to beat up a bunch of aliens

In a 1978 comic, Superman teams up with Muhammad Ali to beat up a bunch of aliens

Source: wikipedia, Image: Rick Marshall via Flickr


Kryptonite didn't actually originate in the comic books. It came from the radio show when the producers needed to come up with a reason to explain the main voice actor's absence

Kryptonite didn't actually originate in the comic books. It came from the radio show when the producers needed to come up with a reason to explain the main voice actor's absence

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Although many people like to poke fun at the Man of Steel for fooling the world with just his glasses, in the comics his glasses change his eye color, he changes his voice, and he wears much looser clothing

Although many people like to poke fun at the Man of Steel for fooling the world with just his glasses, in the comics his glasses change his eye color, he changes his voice, and he wears much looser clothing

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In the original story Superman could only jump really high (because of the higher gravity on Krypton). When he was being made into a movie, the team at Max Fleischer Studios asked for his powers to be adjusted because a flying animation would be much easier

In the original story Superman could only jump really high (because of the higher gravity on Krypton). When he was being made into a movie, the team at Max Fleischer Studios asked for his powers to be adjusted because a flying animation would be much easier

Source: wikipedia, Image: silvergage via deviantart


In the 900th issue, Superman renounces his US citizenship to become a hero for the whole world. Due to a media backlash, DC Comics didn't continue with that storyline

In the 900th issues, Superman renounces his US citizenship to become a hero for the whole world. Due to a media backlash, DC Comics didn't continue with that storyline

Source: dailymail.co.uk, Image: Tim Sackton via Flickr


In 1940, a hypothetical story about Superman being involved in World War II was published in Look Magazine. In it the Man of Steel quickly destroyed the Third Reich. This infuriated the actual Nazis who published a scathing rebuttal in the German news.

In 1940, a hypothetical story about Superman being involved in World War II was published in Look Magazine. In it the Man of Steel quickly destroyed the Third Reich. This infuriated the actual Nazis who published a scathing rebuttal in the German news.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Almost every one of his girlfriends has the initials LL (Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Lori Lemaris, Lyla Lerrol)

Almost every one of his girlfriends has the initials LL (Lois Lane, Lana Lang, Lori Lemaris, Lyla Lerrol)

Source: wikipedia, Image: Joel Kramer via Flickr


One of those love interests, Lori Lemaris, was actually a mermaid and their relationship was cut short when she had to return to her home world of Atlantis

One of those love interests, Lori Lemaris, was actually a mermaid and their relationship was cut short when she had to return to her home world of Atlantis

Source: wikipedia, Image: CodenameMakoto via Flickr


When author Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan and took his findings to the police they refused to do anything. Not backing down, Stetson passed his information to the Superman writers who created a comic involving Superman fighting the Klan. It created a lot of bad publicity for the KKK

When author Stetson Kennedy infiltrated the Ku Klux Klan and took his findings to the police they refused to do anything. Not backing down, Stetson passed his information to the Superman writers who created a comic involving Superman fighting the Klan. It created a lot of bad publicity for the KKK

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In one of Superman's stranger comics released in the 70s, the Man of Steel changes his girlfriend Lois Lane from a white woman into a black woman for a day using an alien transformation chamber

In one of Superman's stranger comics released in the 70s, the Man of Steel changes his girlfriend Lois Lane from a white woman into a black woman for a day using an alien transformation chamber

Source: wikipedia


As the Man of Steel movie correctly pointed out, the "S" on his chest is a actually a symbol that means "hope" on his native world of Krypton

As the Man of Steel movie correctly pointed out, the

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In The New 52, Superman gained a new power - solar flare. He discovered it when he pushed his heat vision to the max and it destroyed everything within a quarter mile. He was then weakened for 24 hours

In The New 52, Superman gained a new power - solar flare. He discovered it when he pushed his heat vision to the max and it destroyed everything within a quarter mile. He was then weakened for 24 hours

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia

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