[Amazing] 25 Reasons That Lakes Are More Interesting Than You Think

Lakes are boring right? Who wants a lake when you can move next to the ocean. Seriously, all the cool waterfront property is by the sea. The French Riviera? Malibu? The Amalfi Coast? Come on! If this is what you think, we cannot blame you. Salt water is great and it makes for prime real estate which can often cost you a pretty penny. But if your inclination is for ocean property you might be missing out on something else. That something else is fresh water! It seems boring in comparison right? No waves. No open sea. No surfing. We get it. But by the end of this list we’re going to show you why lakes are so awesome. They’re not as boring as you think. In fact, some lakeside views can compete with even the greatest of ocean front properties. Just put some mountains in the background along with some crystal clear blue water and you’ll be ready to go! Furthermore, in this list we are going to go over what makes lakes unique. You’ll learn some cool facts and gather a new appreciation for these fresh water phenomenons. These are 25 reasons that lakes are more interesting than you think!

Featured Image: wikipedia


Due to the perfect combination of temperature, depth, and altitude, bodies of people that drown in Lake Tahoe (USA) never decompose or surface.

Due to the perfect combination of temperature, depth, and altitude, bodies of people that drown in Lake Tahoe (USA) never decompose or surface.

Source: tahoedailytribune.com, Image: wikipedia


Hydrologically speaking, there are only 4 Great Lakes and not 5. Lake Michigan and Lake Huron are actually only 1 lake (Huron-Michigan) and it is the largest freshwater lake by area anywhere in the world

Hydrologically speaking, there are only 4 Great Lakes and not 5. Lake Michigan and Lake Huron are actually only 1 lake (Huron-Michigan) and it is the largest freshwater lake by area anywhere in the world

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In 2014, an unexplained 10 meter deep lake all of a sudden appeared in drought stricken Tunisia. Geologists think that the lake could have been the result of seismic activity.

In 2014, an unexplained 10 meter deep lake all of a sudden appeared in drought stricken Tunisia. Geologists think that the lake could have been the result of seismic activity.

Source: ibtimes.co.uk, Image: wikipedia


In the movie Titanic, Jack claims to have gone fishing on Lake Wissota in Wisconsin. This man made lake didn't even exist until 1917, five years after the Titanic sank

The the movie Titanic, Jack claims to have gone fishing on Lake Wissota in Wisconsin. This man made lake didn't even exist until 1917, five years after the Titanic sank

Source: imdb, Image: wikipedia


On Lake Titicaca in Peru, there are pre-Incan people still living on the lake in their floating homes (Uros)

On Lake Titicaca in Peru, there are pre-Incan people still living on the lake in their floating homes (Uros)

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Mount Storm Lake in West Virginia is heated by a local power plant so even in sub-zero temperatures the water stays relatively warm

Mount Storm Lake in West Virginia is heated by a local power plant so even in sub-zero temperatures the water stays relatively warm

Source: abramscreek.com, Image: wikipedia


In 1980, an oil rig in Lake Peigneur, Louisiana drilled into a salt mine. The ensuing whirlpool sucked the drill as well as 11 barges into the "drain". Although no lives were lost, the lake is now salt water

In 1980, an oil rig in Lake Peigneur, Louisiana drilled into a salt mine. The ensuing whirlpool sucked the drill as well as 11 barges into the

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In 1875, a man named James Wickham released two whales into the Great Salt Lake in Utah. They were never seen from again and scientists doubt they could have survived for long.

In 1875, a man named James Wickham released two whales into the Great Salt Lake in Utah. They were never seen from again and scientists doubt they could have survived for long.

Source: utah.edu, Image: wikipedia


In the middle of Lake Superior is Isle Royale. On Isle Royale you will find Siskiwit Lake. In the middle of Siskiwit Lake is Ryan Island. On Ryan Island is a small pond called Moose Flats. In the middle of Moose Flats is a rock jutting up called Moose Boulder. This makes Moose Boulder the largest island on the largest lake on the largest island in the largest lake on the largest island in one of the largest lakes on Earth

In the middle of Lake Superior is Isle Royale. On Isle Royale you will find Siskiwit Lake. In the middle of Siskiwit Lake is Ryan Island. On Ryan Island is a small pond called Moose Flats. In the middle of Moose Flats is a rock jutting up called Moose Boulder. This makes Moose Boulder the largest island on the largest lake on the largest island in the largest lake on the largest island in one of the largest lakes on Earth

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The Amazon River used to flow into the Pacific Ocean but when the Andes Mountains pushed up it got trapped and created a large lake. Eventually, the sandstone to the east was eroded and the lake began to drain into the Atlantic

The Amazon River used to flow into the Pacific Ocean but when the Andes Mountains pushed up it got trapped and created a large lake. Eventually, the sandstone to the east was eroded and the lake began to drain into the Atlantic

Source: softpedia.com, Image: wikipedia


During World War II, because of the German submarines patrolling the Atlantic, the US Navy built two large freshwater aircraft carriers in the Great Lakes and used them for training purposes.

During World War II, because of the German submarines patrolling the Atlantic, the US Navy built two large freshwater aircraft carriers in the Great Lakes and used them for training purposes.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Because of accidents during training, nearly 230 World War II aircraft lay at the bottom of Lake Michigan

Because of accidents during training, nearly 230 World War II aircraft lay at the bottom of Lake Michigan

Source: petoskeynews.com, Image: wikipedia


Lost Lake in Oregon drains into a lava tube every winter. Then, in Spring, the lake bed becomes a meadow before the water returns in summer.

Lost Lake in Oregon drains into a lava tube every winter. Then, in Spring, the lake bed becomes a meadow before the water returns in summer.

Source: washingtonpost.com, Image: wikipedia


Lake Chagan, Kazakhstan was created thanks to a Soviet nuclear bomb. The lake is still radioactive

Lake Chagan, Kazakhstan was created thanks to a Soviet nuclear bomb. The lake is still radioactive

Source: amusingplanet.com, Image: wikipedia


Lake Superior holds so much water that it could cover the entire US in 4 feet of water

Lake Superior holds so much water that it could cover the entire US in 4 feet of water

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In Michigan you are always within 6 miles of freshwater thanks to the state's 65,000 lakes. Furthermore, you are never farther than 85 miles from one of the Great Lakes

In Michigan you are always within 6 miles of freshwater thanks to the state's 65,000 lakes. Furthermore, you are never farther than 85 miles from one of the Great Lakes

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The first Soviet space crew to splashdown on Earth landed on a Lake Tengiz while it was frozen over. They broke through the ice and it froze over them. They stayed in their capsule for nearly 9 hours while being rescued

The first Soviet space crew to splashdown on Earth landed on a Lake Tengiz while it was frozen over. They broke through the ice and it froze over them. They stayed in their capsule for nearly 9 hours while being rescued

Source: spacefacts.de, Image: wikipedia


Underneath the Great Salt Lake is another "lake" of denser water that is formed out of brine. It has been said to have the consistency of runny jelly

Underneath the Great Salt Lake is another

Source: utah.gov, Image: Steven Depolo via Flickr


The Aral Sea used to be the 4th largest lake on Earth. Due to Soviet irrigation projects, it has all but dried up in the last several decades and created a new desert (Aralkum). It has been called "one of the planet's worst environmental disasters".

The Aral Sea used to be the 4th largest lake on Earth. Due to Soviet irrigation projects, it has all but dried up in the last several decades and created a new desert (Aralkum). It has been called

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


The surface of the Great Lakes equals about that of the United Kingdom.

The surface of the Great Lakes equals about that of the United Kingdom.

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Until it was destroyed by the Spanish in 1521, Tenochtitlán was the largest city in the western hemisphere. It was built as an island in the middle of what used to be a lake. Today, the lake is dried up and has given way to Mexico City, which is still one of the biggest cities in the world

Until it was destroyed by the Spanish in 1521, Tenochtitlán was the largest city in the western hemisphere. It was built as an island in the middle of what used to be a lake. Today, the lake is dried up and has given way to Mexico City, which is still one of the biggest cities in the world

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Hitler was planning to raze Moscow to the ground and replace it with a lake

Hitler was planning to raze Moscow to the ground and replace it with a lake

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


Skyscrapers in downtown Toronto are air conditioned by pumping cold water from the bottom of Lake Ontario

Skyscrapers in downtown Toronto are air conditioned by pumping cold water from the bottom of Lake Ontario

Source: wikipedia, Image: wikipedia


In 1986, Lake Nyos in Cameroon emitted a cloud of CO2 gas that spread quickly and killed nearly 2,000 people

In 1986, Lake Nyos in Cameroon emitted a cloud of CO2 gas that spread quickly and killed nearly 2,000 people

Source: atlastobsura.com, Image: wikipedia


“The blue lake”, or “Rotomairewhenua”, in New Zealand is the clearest lake in the world. Visibility is up to 80 meters.

“The blue lake”, or “Rotomairewhenua”, in New Zealand is the clearest lake in the world. Visibility is up to 80 meters.

Source: wikipedia, Image: pixabay

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