[Healthy Advice] How Poison Is Injected Into Watermelons To Make Them Sweeter

How Poison Is Injected Into Watermelons To Make Them Sweeter

The Chinese farmers used growth chemicals to make their crops larger, but the result was destroyed crops. The watermelon fields in eastern China are full with wrecked crops.

The accelerator that has been used is called forchlorfenuron. The watermelons that survived had fuzzy and misshapen fruit with white instead of black seeds. MSNBC reports: “Chinese statutes don’t disallow use of the substance.

It is also permitted in the United States for use on kiwi fruit and grapes … About 20 farmers and 115 acres of watermelon around Danyang were engaged … Farmers resorted to chopping up the fruit and feeding it to fish and pigs”. It looks like the usage of a chemical growth accelerator forchlorfenuron is to blame for the all around the world “exploding melon” phenomenon.

What is Forchlorfenuron?

It is also called “plant growth regulator”, which the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registered back in 2004 for use on grapes, raisins and kiwis.

The EPA Pesticide Fact sheet claims that this chemical can be used for the flowers or expansion fruit while early post-bloom in order to better the fruit size, fruit set, cluster weight and cold storage. The fact sheet also explains that this chemical is acting synergistically with natural auxins to assist plant cell partition and sidelong growth.”

The MSNBC explains that the Chinese farmers used the forchlorfenuron improperly on the fruit, while the weather was too wet and very late in the season. This is why the melons exploded. The melons have been exploding by the acre. According to another article published on May 24 by The Epoch Times, the seeds that were used were imported from Japan and were considered as quality watermelon seeds. In the affected Chinese province, 10 of 20 farmers used these Japanese imported seeds. Yet it was unclear if all of the farmers whose melons blew up had also used forchlorfenuron. Yet the exploded watermelons are not the only aspect of this story, but the question of the customer’s safety.

There weren’t any particular health hazards mentioned in the articles that covered the story, but they do imply that there could be cause for health worries.

Are Growth Promoting Chemicals Safe for Eating?

MSNBC writes: “The report quoted Feng Shuangqing, a professor at the China Agricultural University, as stating the issue proved that China needs to straighten up its farm chemical standards and control to defend consumer health.

The report underscores how farmers in China are trespassing both legal and illegal chemicals, with many farms manipulating pesticides and fertilizers.” As a matter of fact the forchlorfenuron is legal in China and in the US. EPA pesticide fact sheet claims that forchlorfenuron is not inevitably harmless, not even to the animals nor to the environment and eventually to humans.

There were side effects discovered in the studies like: Bolstered incidence of alopecia (hair loss) Reduced birth weight Boosted pup mortality Reduced litter sizes It was also stated that it is “moderately toxic to freshwater fishes on an acute basis”.

How to Spot Fruit Grown with Growth Accelerating Chemicals

The inherent sufficiency of flavor is one of the signs that the fruit or vegetable isn’t grown in naturally way. It can look ripe and well-rounded, but when you will taste it you will know at the same moment that it is grown with the help of the enhancers. Forchlorfenuron and the other enhancers are boosting cell parting, which results with the fruit’s faster growth, but it also drains the fruits taste.

The flavor is a sign of ripeness that comes only with time. That’s why many unripe fruits or vegetables are in fact tasteless. In the watermelon’s case, the treated fruits with forchlorfenuron are larger and barely colored from the outside, and the inside color is more white than red. The other signs are the misshapen fruit and the white seeds instead of black seeds.

Hormones in Your Fruits and Veggies? You Bet!

There isn’t much talking for this issue. Now when many people know that CAFO raised meats are full with hormones, not many could imagine that fresh produce can be laced with hormones and additives too. Zheng Fengtian, a professor of agriculture from Renmin University, states that hormones can boost the yields by 20% or even more, and that’s why they are widely used.

It is not just idle talk anymore that vegetables and fruits are artificially pumped up and full of poison – now there is proof of that!

When you see this video which describes how a watermelon, which we eat these days, is pumped full with chemical substances, you will never be sure of what you are eating.

It displays the chemical rework and pumping with substances in peas, watermelon, and zucchini.

It is not an “urban legend” any more that vegetables are full of chemical substances and toxins, so this is a clear evidence of that kind of work. We know that everyone is tempted towards red and juicy watermelons being sold in markets by roadside vendors. But beware of extra redness you see in these watermelons.

In this video you will see watermelons that are clearly another “victim” of some extra work done on them.



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