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[Healthy Advice] Research: Semen Is "Good For Women's Health And Helps Fight Depression

A wide range of chemicals in semen “promote mental well-being and feelings of affection”, say scientists. Good news for men (and women), researchers have just discovered that oral sex is literally good for women’s health and makes them feel happier.

The research shows that semen actually contains chemicals that literally elevate mood, increase affection, improve sleep and even contain at least three anti-depressants!

The researchers also claim that women who have unprotected sex on a regular basis are less depressed and even perform better in cognitive tests. (obviously one needs to consider the negative side effects of this as well)

Semen contains chemicals cortisol, which increases affection, estrone, which elevates mood and mental well being, and oxytocin, which also elevates mood and overall mental well being. But that’s not all, it also contains thyrotropin, which is another antidepressant, melatonin, which also improves sleep, and serotonin which is probably the best known antidepressant of all.

You can learn even more about a wide range of other nutritional value sperm holds below:


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