Exclusive - 'Filipinos have a President, real President, one that they are proud ofl American who lived in the PH for 30 years, praised Duterte!
A Facebook post by an American who lives in the Philippines for 30 years received praises from President Rodrigo Duterte supporters after he praised the President for his war against drugs amidst the coverage of international media on extrajudicial killings.
In the post of John Parsons, an American guy who lives in the country for 30 years already, said the Philippines has already a "real president".
"Filipinos have a president, a real president, one that they are proud of. And rightly so," he said.
Parsons said that Duterte has the guys not just to challenge but to engage problems on drugs and foreign relations with China.
"He is engaging China, not challenging China. He has to. It's the largest nation on earth, only 400 miles away, has a massive army, and pretty much controls the economy of SE Asia. Why not depend on the Philippines own 'relational intelligence' and the art of negotiation, of which Filipinos are masters?" he said.
"No more is the day that the nation says, "We are suffocating under a blanket of drug addiction, corruption, a government that doesn't care - and we can't do anything about it." Yes, the Philippines can do something about it. The national attitude has changed in only weeks. The nation is standing, is standing on it's own, and is looking at other nations eye-to-eye. Peers. A sovereign nation among sovereign nations," he added.
His post already garnered more than 19 thousand shares on Facebook.