Exclusive - Woman Boldly Shared How Boyfriend Beat Her To A Pulp After Resisting S*x With Him!

Despite the aggressive campaign to stop abuse and harassment against women, domestic violence remains one of the most rampant crimes all over the world. This woman boldly shared her story in the social media and has gotten the attention of netizens. Her name is Stephanie Littlewood, and she is a victim of violence. 

This mother-of-one posted pictures of her face, horribly injured, severely bruised, teeth chipped and swollen cheeks. The culprit? None other than her boyfriend Wayne Hoban who beat her up because she wouldn't have s*x with him. 

Littlewood shared how Hoban became angry and aggressive last April 2, 2016 after rejecting him. He then gripped her ankle and pulled her off the bed. He threw her on the floor and rained about 40-50 punches on the left side of her face. As a result, her jaw broke, three teeth were knocked out. She had to undergo CT Scan for brain damages.

Her family filed charges against Hoban but he was only sentenced 16 months. “Six months later and I’m still awaiting construction work on my bottom teeth. Not to mention how this has affected me emotionally.”Littlewood shared. 

“Wayne’s (Hoban) family saying im lying and making it up for “attention” are clearly that ashamed they are making rubbish up themselves!”she added.

Woman Boldly Shared How Boyfriend Beat Her To A Pulp After Resisting S*x With Him!
Source: TNP, Viral4real

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