Exclusive - 32 year old Pinoy With Short Legs And One Arm Works As A Mechanic in UAE, Watch His Inspiring Story Here!

People with Disabilities usually get teased and belittled by other people. These individuals usually seek for acceptance from the people around them. But the story of this 32-year-old guy is really amazing.

Juan Samujo Briza is working as an electrician and A/C technician at Star Auto Care Motors in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. He has been working for 3 years already as an Oversees Filipino Worker despite his physical disabilities having short legs and only one hand.

During a Gulf New TV interview with Briza, he shared his life experiences. He said that he faced so many struggles due to his disability, but it didn't stop him from persevering. Instead of giving up, he pushed himself to be a better man and so he did.

Watch his inspiring story here:

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