Exclusive - 4 Dangerous Early Symptoms Of Kidney Failure Which Are Often Ignored
The health of our kidneys is very important because these bean-shaped organs serve several essential regulatory functions in our body. The main role of our kidneys is to regulate the balance of electrolytes in the blood while maintaining pH homeostasis. It also removes excess organic molecules in the blood which is the best known function the kidneys perform- the removal of waste product from metabolism.
Kidneys are also essential to our urinary system which regulates salt and maintains acid-base and fluid balance. It serves as the natural body filter of the body. But there are times that kidney dysfunction happens when we're not taking good care of our kidneys. Unfortunately, some of its signs were usually ignored.
Here are the signs which we should be aware of:
1. Lower Back Pain
This may indicate damaged kidney. The side you sleep which appears to be painful maybe the possible side where the kidney is being damaged. This may also be accompanied by painful urination.
2. Skin Diseases
Since kidney helps in eliminating toxins from the body, appearance of some skin diseases may be experienced if an individual have kidney dysfunction. Skin related issues such as rashes may occur.
3. Swelling of Body Parts
Kidney dysfunction may tend to build up body waste which eventually causes swelling in different body parts.
4. Color of urine
Urine color may also determine problems in the kidney. Aside from that, foamy urine or more concentrated urine may be caused by kidney failure.
Everyone should be aware of this signs before experiencing more serious symptoms. Kidney dysfunction may be cut off from early prevention. See your doctor for immediate medication if experiencing early symptoms.
Source: TNP, ArtikuloUno