Exclusive - Celebrities Were Asked If They Can Do What Agot Isidro Did, Know Their Answers Here!
Agot Isidro’s controversial Facebook posts and slurs against President Rodrigo Duterte went viral on social media, and even got her a response from the Malacanan Palace. She called the President a “psychopath” and suggested that he go visit a doctor to get some help.
When asked if they can do what Agot Isidro did, celebrities had varying answers.
Ces Quesada said that just like anybody else, Agot had the right to state her opinion. She said that she admired her for standing up, and claimed that she did not deserve the verbal dirt that was thrown at her.

Tessie Tomas said, “I respect her opinion. This is a free country. However, accusing someone of a mental disorder is rather insulting and not helpful.”
Maria Isabel Lopez answered with, “No, because I am Isabel. There is freedom of speech in this country and Agot is entitled to that. I want to tell Agot that she has to choose her battles. I support the war on drugs, which benefited the past administration. He is the man the Filipinos deserve at this point in time.”