Exclusive - Cynthia Patag Issues An Apology For Making Public A Personal Message Mistakenly Sent To Her By Lydia Paredes

Cynthia Patag and Jim Paredes were the hottest items in social media after being accused of politicizing Noli Asencio’s death.

The two were lambasted by netizens after Patag posted on her Facebook account a message from Jim Paredes’ wife, Lydia Paredes. The message contained remarks claiming that Noli Asencio’s death is a direct result of the government’s war against drugs. Reports were released saying that Asencio family already denied such claim.

Given the fact that Patag and Paredes were supporters of Liberal Party standard-bearer Mar Roxas, netizens were enraged by Patag’s viral post. The Paredes family also received criticisms from Duterte supporters. Asencio’s family even called out to them not to use the musician’s death for their political motives. The event caused Jim Paredes to fire verbal shots at Cynthia Patag.

The issue did not die out immediately but Cynthia Patag recently issued an apology for everyone who have been involved especially Jim Parede’s wife, Lydia Paredes, whose name was dragged down throughout the course of the issue. 

In her apology, Patag claimed that what happened is a pure misunderstanding and accident as she mistakenly posted a wrong sent message of a certain Ana Segovia to Lydia Paredes. She said that she thought that the message was sent to her for public posting. Later she find out that it was not for her and it was just a mistake. Here is the full post of Patag’s apology:

“To Iwi Laurel and Nicole Laurel Asencio:

Please accept my deepest apology for mistakenly reposting about Noli Asencio's demise.

You see, people constantly send me material to post on my Facebook wall for a wider reach. I received the PM from, Lydia M. Paredes; it was a simple case of "wrong send." Normally, I wouldn't have posted it since I didn't know the Titas, Titos, cousins, anybody in your family. But I thought Lydia wanted it posted, and I think highly of her, so I posted it.

It was only when I returned Jim Paredes' angry call that I learned about your family's rage against me for reposting THE POST. I deleted it immediately.

Susme! Nicole accused me of using her deceased dad for my own vile political agenda. "You should be ashamed of yourself! Have some respect for yourself first!" You, too, Iwi, posted the same, but awa ng Dios, yours was more subdued: "Who appointed you as spokesperson for our family?" HA? Ay, Laurel-Asencio - mga Pinoy elite pala sila.

Desperate for an audience, salivating DU30 hyenas are savagely feasting on me on your walls and their blogs - all of them pernicious LIES. I am sorry for the cataclysm I unwittingly caused, Lydia and Jim. You both know I have no malice in me.

Cynthia Patag Issues An Apology For Making Public A Personal Message Mistakenly Sent To Her By Lydia Paredes
Source: TNP, Rappler

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