Exclusive - DLSU Professor Defends Mocha Uson, Saying: 'They can try, but I am going to make sure they will fail.'

Recently, DLSU Professor Antonio Contreras, made a series of status messages on Facebook which quickly went viral. One was a picture of Yolanda side by side with the recent super typhoon Lawin, comparing casualties. He pointed out that he was just stating facts. He then got to trend once again when he called out people who were criticizing President 

Duterte for strengthening alliance with China and Russia, which they described as communists. He slammed them saying that Cold Wars was over and that the two are no longer communists. 

He once again went viral, this time defending and Mocha Uson for the cyberbullying they are both experiencing. This is in response to the petition for the suspension of Mocha Uson’s Blog going viral online. Contreras pointed out that it was the ‘yellows’ who have been plotting against them and claimed they were being bullied. 

His full post reads:

The yellows (I am not name-calling, I am just calling them by their color) are getting desperate.

First, one of them put up a blog outing me for being a convicted plagiarist, which is entirely a lie.

Then, one of them posted in social media and libeled my family by impugning the honor of my daughters.And lately I have been getting a heavy dose of trolling in Twitter, with posts that are below the belt calling me all sorts of names and heaping insults on my character.

Some have become bolder by privately messaging me (I have a public profile and anyone who is not in my block list can send me messages, although only friends can post comments publicly) and harassing me.And today, I got alerted by my chair that the same person who goes by the pseudonym of Jose 

Bonifacio and who sent an e-mail blast last May to all the administrators of my University, and some colleagues in the Department, has sent an e-mail blast again to the same people demanding that I be censured and the University take action. The e-mail sender claims that he is a colleague in the University.All of these constitute cyber-bullying.

And when I see this in the context of this campaign to gag Mocha Uson, that I am now of the belief that the yellows are desperate. They are not able to take down the President, despite their concerted efforts.And now, they want to turn their ire on people like me and Mocha.I have news for them.

They can try, but I am going to make sure they will fail.”

DLSU Professor Defends Mocha Uson, Saying: 'They can try, but I am going to make sure they will fail.'
Source: TNP , Filipinewsph

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