Exclusive - Man Bravely Pulled Out Ingrown Hair On His Face, What He Got Was Something You'd Never Expect To See!

WereBlog published an article containing a video of a man pulling put an ingrown hair from his cheek. As he decided to pull it with tweezers, he did not expect what he just saw.

A little bothered by a curly hair in his cheek, a man decided to pull it instead while filming himself. What he did seemed to produce a satisfying reaction from the people who watched his video. The video went viral as what the man thought as just a simple curled ingrown hair is the world’s longest ingrown hair pulled from a human cheek. Because of the size of the hair, it can be seen that his cheeks are producing spots of blood.

Meanwhile, reports said that the ingrown hair developed from a simple black blackhead on the man’s face.  

Source: TNP , Wereblog

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