Exclusive - Not Wearing Underwear Could Be Healthy! How? Find Out Here!

Some of us are afraid to admit that we really go to sleep with nothing on at all. Upon reading this, well, maybe you should finally be proud of your unusual habit because it might be of benefit for your health.

On a question posted by Live Science addressed to medical experts: "Should you keep your underwear on or not?", doctors responded to it with scientific explanations on the pros of not wearing briefs/panties at night:

According to Dr. Allyssa Dweck, a specific group of women may benefit from not wearing underwear to bed and from aerating their bottom at night are those who suffer from chronic vulvitis (an inflammation of the folds of skin outside the vagina) or chronic vaginitis (inflammation of the vagina). For the reason that these women are naturally prone to vaginal yeast infections, itchiness and irritation, and are likely better off if they sleep without panties on.

Dweck suggests that going bare-bottomed at night could help prevent causing yeast and bacteria to thrive and proliferate in dark, and in warm places. 

"When a woman's private part is covered up all day by confining clothing and non breathable fabrics, including sweaty workout clothes or sanitary pads, it can cause vaginal irritation and moisture to collect in this area, providing a perfect breeding ground for yeast or bacterial infections," Dweck said.

The aeration of the genitals would be helpful for women who are prone to vaginal infections, itchiness and irritation, and baring their bottoms can be part of a general hygiene regimen that might afford them some relief, as Dweck further recommend.

When it comes to men, science proved that there is neither a health benefit and a harm caused by going "commando" in bed.

According to Dr. Michael Eisenberg, a urologist and the director of male reproductive medicine and surgery at Stanford University Medical Center In Palo Alto, California

"And for men who prefer to sleep in underwear and who are trying to conceive with their partners, there is no significant difference between wearing boxers or briefs," Eisenberg said. 

However, Eisenberg showed his surprise with how many men had switched their underwear type between the day and night when they were hoping to become pregnant with a partner. 

Previous studies about this made mixed results. Some research suggested that wearing tighter underwear can increase the temperature of men's testicles and may be linked with poorer semen quality, compared with men who wore looser fitting underwear. But other studies have not found that men’s underwear choices affect male fertility. 

Going "commando" or bare in bed has some weird health effects but it's always up to your preferences to comply to this research. It is your well-being, at the end of the day.

Not Wearing Underwear Could Be Healthy! How? Find Out Here!
Source: TNP , Livescience

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