Exclusive - This Is The Story of Hachiko, The World's Most Loyal Dog, And It Will Definitely Make You Cry!

All tourists going to Japan wouldn't want to miss the chance of having a picture with the famous statue of the dog, Hachiko. But do you know the full story of Hachiko? 

He was adopted by a Professor Hidesaburo Ueno after being born in a city of Odate in Akita Prefecture back in the year 1923. He treated Hachiko like a family and showered him with love and care. Every day, he would accompany Ueno going to the Shibuya station and would patiently wait for him until he returns.

However, in the year 1925, Professor Ueno suffered a brain hemorrhage and died. Hachiko seemed to never get over the fact and continued to wait for him until he returns. He did this for the next 10 years!

He then became a legendary figure and people would come to the station to give him some treats. He died on March 8, 1935. The owner's wife mourned beside his body. Japanese people witnessed the dog's loyalty and unwaivering love for his master. 

They built a statue on his likeness to commemorate his loyalty and tagged him as the world's most loyal dog. Over the years, many statues were built for him in Hachiko’s hometown, in front of the Akita Dog Museum, outside the Odate Station, and at the University of Tokyo. A Hollywood movie depicted his story in a movie entitled Hachi: A Dog’s Tale in the year 2009. 

Look at the pictures below:

This Is The Story of Hachiko, The World's Most Loyal Dog, And It Will Definitely Make You Cry!

This Is The Story of Hachiko, The World's Most Loyal Dog, And It Will Definitely Make You Cry!

This Is The Story of Hachiko, The World's Most Loyal Dog, And It Will Definitely Make You Cry!

Source: TNP, EliteReaders

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