Exclusive - Watch Out For These Disturbing Signs Of Testicular Cancer Which Men Are Too Embarrassed To Discuss! MUST READ!

Men are known to carry a big ego that mirror their "manliness." 

Voicing out their private areas' problems would most probably be the last thing they would do because of this pride. But when cancer strikes, would they still be able to cling to that pride?

Testicular problems have been an enemy that men are fighting over the years and if kept secret, may cause you cancer in the long run.

So, if you're a man and you're reading this, you should be aware of these signs. If any of these signs seem familiar to you, it's best to see your doctor immediately:

1. Your chest is constantly sore and may have growth
2. Pressure and pain can be experienced in the groin or the lower belly
3. The scrotum gets heavier
4. Feeling some lumps in the testicles.

It is normal that one testicle is larger than the other. There is one in particular that will hang lower as well. This is a natural case.

Take note though, that undergoing self-examination is the best way to determine if there are
unlikely things happening in your private part. 

To take a self assessment, all you have to do is:

Check the balls one at a time. Put it between the thumb and the fingers and gently roll it between the fingers. If there are lumps or bumps, or even a change in the size, it's time to visit an expert.

Source: TNP , Minionscoop

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