Exclusive - This 9-Year-Old Cheerleader Cried Because Her Dad Missed 'Parent's Day' But This Stranger Does Something to Surprise Everyone!

For parents, job security is one of the most important things to have. Because of this, they tend to miss so many things and events in their children's life. Fortunately, there are some people who are willing to help them for a while.

Such thing happened to 9-year-old Addie Rodriguez who got help from a stranger during an important event in her school.

Addie is the daughter of Senior Airman Michael Locklear who was stationed in Iraq and Afghanistan. Because of the nature of his job, Locklear missed so many important occasions in his daughter's life because he had to be away from home most of the time. One of these precious moments would be Addie's cheerleading performance at a local football game at Central Catholic High School, in San Antonio, Texas.

In the middle of Addie's performance, one routine required them to be lifted up by their fathers. But since her father couldn't be there, Addie was left standing on the stadium alone while her classmates had their fathers to help them on the routine. Fortunately, a stranger took over and saved Addie from having a bad day.

One senior student from the school named Matthew Garcia came rushing in to rescue Addie. He jumped over multiple fences only to reach the little girl who was left alone during the routine. He did not hesitate to lift her up on his shoulders so she could still continue her performance. Everyone during the event couldn't help but smile because of the simple but very sweet act.

What Matthew did made Addie's day although she still admitted that she missed her own father terribly. Matthew's rescue came as a surprise which made both Addie and her mother, Alexis Perry-Rodriguez, thankful to him forever.

Watch how Matthew made Addie very happy:

If you were Matthew, will you do the same to help Addie? Let us know what you think about this story in the comment section below.
Source: TNP, Metaspoon

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