Exclusive - You Would Not Believe What This Mother Did To Her Daughter After She Bullied A Cancer Patient!

Bullying will not be tolerated in this mother's house and the golden rule will be applied --- and her daughter is no exemption.

In a video that went viral, a mother grabbed her daughter's head left and right and shaved it like they are not related by blood.

But why did mommie dearest did that to her daughter? Apparently, she's teaching a lesson about something most people overlook: bullying.

The girl was taunting and mocking a cancer patient for her bald head. She lost all of her hair from various chemotherapy sessions so that she could be alive.

Netizenss reaction is mixed. Some are defending the mother because what she did will serve a lesson that any form of bullying is bad.

Some said the mother was overreacting and she could just teach her daughter a lesson that does not involve physical reprimand.

At the end of the day, bullying is still bad and should never be tolerated. But how should we counterattack bullying? What do you think?

Source: TNP, Thugify

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