Exclusive - WHAT?! This Guy Smashed All the iPhones in an Apple Store and No One Knows Why!

While most of us dream to own the newest versions of Apple products like the iPhone 6s or iPhone 7 or the newest Macbook Air, this guy entered an Apple Store in France, and smashed every iPhone on display! 

He recently went extremely viral in social media after causing havoc in the store. It took some time for the authorities and securities to react and stop him. "Ladies and gentlemen, Apple is a company that violated European consumers’ rights. “the man shouted. 

“They refused to reimburse me, I told them ‘Give me my money back’. They said no. So you know what’s happening? This is happening. “he added. 

When the authorities confronted him, he was resistant and even tried to run away. But the authorities got a hold of him and it looks like he's going to have to pay for all the phones he just destroyed.

Source: TNP, ViralKicker

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