Exclusive - Did You Know That Eating Kamias Everyday Can Do This To Your Body?

It's funny that while we Filipinos are so familiar with Kamias, we rarely look into their healing properties. Because of its complex nutritional compounds the mighty plant, from the stem to the flower to the fruit, can be used for these purposes:

1. Treating Cough

Prepare a few grains of fennel, 3 grains of kamias, and sugar. Mix in water and steam for a couple of hours. Drink twice a day on an empty stomach to absorb the nutrients faster.

2. Overcome Diabetes

Prepare 6 grains of Kamias and crush. Mix with water and boil the mixture. When ready, strain and drink twice a day.

3. Overcome Acne

Kamias' acid properties can help in treating acne. Just crush into fine powder and apply topically as needed.

4. Overcome Thrush or Singaw

Just like in the previous number, crush the Kamias grains and apply topically. Be warned, this will sting.

5. Rheumatism

Take a handful of Kamias leave and exactly one grain of Kamias. Crush until fine then add whitling and mix. Apply paste on the area 2-43 times a day for best results.

As usual with natural remedies, it is best to treat the problem with proper exercise, diet and a consultation with your doctor.

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