Exclusive - Do You Know The Meaning Behind Your Dreams At Night? Find Out About Them Here!

We often search meaning behind our bizarre dreams at night. Maybe because we have always been told that somehow they might come true, or they intend to warn you about something.

Dreams occur when we are sleeping, creating various images, happenings, and emotions while we're at it. There are times we would remember the details when we wake up, and there are unfortunate times when we don't. 

Experts even study how dreams work or if they really are something other than random. Most people choose to hold on to the belief that there is a corresponding event that'll happen in real life based on their dreams. 

If you are one of those people, well, you're reading the right article!

Here are 12 of the most common dreams that are told to cause real-life occurrences:

1. Boxes  ( Disappointment, Secrecy and Mystery)
Dreaming about a box means your subconscious is trying to reveal some sort of a secret. If the box is empty, it means that you are likely to be disappointed over something while a box being opened means that you need to reveal your secrets and share them with others.

2. Falling ( Worry, Loss of Control and Risk)
Dreaming of yourself about to fall or already falling is a very common one, and we often wake up to this, right? This unpleasant feeling of falling means that you are losing control on something or that you are afraid of failure.

3. In public without clothes on (Acceptance, Assessment and Vulnerability)
Dreaming about being naked in public might actually mean that you are vulnerable and prone to accepting things that others say about you.

4. Green Color (Passion, Love and Healing)
Seeing the color green in your dreams means that you are happy just the way you are. You are content and satisfied with the life you are living.

5. Mud (Unrest, Immobility and Growth)
Dreaming that you are walking in mud means that you are worrying or you feel unable to get out of a certain situation.

6. Roads (Simplicity, Fate and Travel)
Dreaming about seeing roads is actually a good sign. It only means that you love to travel and you feel the need to meet your goals and desires in your life.

7. Flying (Positivity, Courage and Freedom)
Dreaming about you flying means that you are an optimistic type of person who is currently making big decisions in life.

8. Water ( Uncertainty, Ambition and Risk)
Dreaming about seeing water means that you are prone to taking risks and also willing to jump at any opportunity you get in life.

9. Hair (Freedom, Sexuality and Marital status)
Dreaming about hair can be linked to your romantic relationship. Hair, as sign of sexuality and freedom, actually helps you get an idea on how to express feelings for your partner.

10. Teeth (Health, Aging and Appearance)
Dreaming about having a tooth pulled from your mouth means that you are afraid of getting old.

11. Cats( Power, Femininity and Spirituality)
Dreaming about seeing cats in your dreams indicates your strength. It is your subconscious giving hints about you being  connected with the spiritual and that you are strong enough to endure anything that comes on the way.

12. Ants (Irritability, Support and Hardwork)

Dreaming about ants means that a person who is deeply connected with you and others is trying to keep a healthy relationship with their loved ones. However, there are also people who are trying to bring you down  by pressuring you.

We hope these will shed light on your queries regarding your dreams! 
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