Exclusive - Eating An Egg A Day Can Do This To Your Body! FIND IT OUT WHY HERE!

Consuming an egg per day will give us the protein that our body needs. But did you know a new study has found that eating an egg everyday can decrease the risk of a person having stroke?

A recent study given by the American Egg Board says that eating one egg per day will not help you prevent coronary heart disease.The study was based on the systematic review ad meta-analysis on egg intake. There were 276,000 coronary heart disease subjects and 308,000 stroke victims. The study dated in 2015 and 1982.

Principal investigator Dominik Alexander if the US EpidStat Institute said in a report that, “Eggs do have many positive nutritional attributes, including antioxidants, which have been shown to reduce oxidative stress and inflammation.”

“They are also an excellent source of protein, which has been related to lower blood pressure,” Alexander added.

There are six grams of protein that is high in quality that a single egg contains and the egg yolk has antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. The vitamins that are found in an egg can fight the major cause of stroke. Vitamins such as vitamin E, D and A.

When it comes to understanding the connection of consuming an egg a day and stroke, risk needs to be understood clearly, Alexander claims.

Eating An Egg A Day Can Do This To Your Body! FIND IT OUT WHY HERE!
Source: TNP, Inquirer
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