Exclusive - Good News: Philippine National Identification System Pushed Through For Easier Transactions!

Aiming for a unified system of citizen identification for the country, the National Identification System is being pushed through for implementation by the senate and congress.

Senate Bill No. 1163, which aims to lessen the burden of people when presenting documents, will serve as the official identification of either a Filipino citizen or an alien permanent resident, according to information from Senator Aquillino "Nene" Pimentel Jr.

The National Identification System should render all existing government IDs into one unified system. The proposed ID, which will hold information such as name, birthdate, signature of owner, serial number, biometrics and more, shall be made mandatory and will last for the duration of the cardholder’s lifetime.

In line with the intents of hassle-free government transactions, it shall be enough for the application of essential government IDs, such as passports and driver's licenses, Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) ID, Social Security System (SSS), PhilHealth, Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF) and even voting identification. It is also meant to prevent election fraud.

The Philippines is one of the last remaining nine countries with no national ID system. To address this deficiency, the Philippine government hopes to establish the ID system for more efficient government services, eliminating red tape during transactions with the government.

Many netizens expressed their favorable opinion regarding the bill in process. Filipinos from the online community displayed enthusiasm about the proposed system, hoping for its immediate launch.

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