Exclusive - Mom Seeks Advice From The Internet On How To Open This Cupboard. The Responses Are Hilarious!

Recently, a mom went to Facebook to seek help regarding “a cupboard that can never be opened.” She needed to open it without destroying her porcelain plates.

She posted a picture of her troubled cupboard and many concerned netizens flocked to give her some answers. Her problem went viral and garnered 16,000 reactions and 456 comments.

Mom Seeks Advice From The Internet On How To Open This Cupboard. The Responses Are Hilarious!

Read some of these responses which garnered so more attention than the problematic cupboard:

1.)Kkman Wen’s comment got the most number of likes with 355:
“It is a matter of economic, if the plates are cheap open the door. If the plates are irreplaceable smash the glass on the right.”

2.) Mark Rugman
“Build an identical house next to your existing house with only one difference, the plates would be on the shelf. Then delete the old house.”

3.) Valentina Lattante
“Flood the house, then open the cupboard without any risk!”

4.) Liu Jianwei
“Tilt the cupboards backwards, then open”

5.) Muhammad Cisco Zulfikar
“Go to Kamar-Taj, see The Ancient One, be a sorcerer, find The Eye of Agamotto, reverse or stop time, arrange back, and you’re done!”

6.) Scharlarco Visagie
“try switching it off then switching it back again”

7.) Weng Penggui
“Sell it to the museum and name it the “Frozen in Time” series

8.) Unwelcome guest
“Just let yourself die and respawn back to your last check point when the plates were nicely stacked”

9.) Mark Reele
“Open the door just a tiny bit and fill the whole thing with expanding foam”

10.) Witch
“Open a bottle of wine > Have a drink > Wait for your husband to come home. Start a random argument out of nothing > Go to the kitchen . open the door and let it smash > blame it on the husband – he’ll apologize and buy a whole new set of plates.”
Source: TNP, BoredPanda

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