Exclusive - More Than 80 Corrupt LTO And LTFRB Officials Relieved Or Suspended Due To Corruption Issues!
President Rodrigo Duterte has long warned the officials of government agencies regarding issues of corruption in line with his administration's efforts to fight theft and corruption from the insides of the government itself.
More than 80 officials of the Land Transportation Franchising and Regulatory Board (LTFRB) and the Land Transportation Office (LTO) have been relieved and suspended due to alleged involvements in corruption.
41 employees from the LTFRB have either resigned, been suspended or terminated while 9 others are being investigated. As for the LTO, 47 officials have been relieved due to issues of corruption. 19 out of 47 were personnel, 3 were regional directors, 7 were enforcement officers, one is an assistant regional director, another had been suspended by the Ombudsman while the remaining 16 are also under investigation.
Furthermore, in line with the government's intensified efforts, an anti-corruption portal have been launched aiming to completely free government agencies of corrupt and abusive supposed public servants.
Moreover, the Department of Transportation (DOT) is also open for reports of corruption practices of officials. Complaints are to be reported at the government site www.dotc.gov.ph where a complaint form will be filled up. The allegations will then be consolidated before an investigation is to be conducted.