Exclusive - Businessman Spends Money Building A Village For The Homeless Rather Than His Daughter's Wedding

As wonderful as a wedding can be, it's no secret that it is a very expensive activity. It's the most special day for a groom and bride, so every detail and gift must be pristine and memorable. Friends and members of the family often help out on the expenses.

However, this businessman from Maharashtra, India had other plans for his daughter's wedding

Ajay Munot had no plans on giving money to his daughter for a grand wedding. He chose instead to give her a unique wedding present instead.

It's a tradition in India for the bride's family to shoulder the dowry and pay for the wedding. Although Indian law has prohibited the payment of a dowry, many still observe this practice. Munot, however, thought that the money saved for the wedding would be better spent building homes for the poor and homeless.

Businessman Spends Money Building A Village For The Homeless Rather Than His Daughter's Wedding

According to a report, a total of 90 houses were built in a village in honor of the daughter's wedding. A total of 108 houses were planned, however only the 90 made it in time for the wedding. He donated these houses to the homeless as a 'wedding gift' from his daughter to them. 

What did the daughter feel about her father's decision? What do you people think?

The accompanying video is in the Indian language.

Source: TNP, Buzzflare

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