Exclusive - Guy Sets up Bait for His Girlfriend to See If She'll Cheat on Him and This Is How She Reacted to the Trap! UNBELIEVABLE!

We all hate to be cheated on and we especially hate it when we are cheated on with someone who conceivably looks better and is much more attractive than us. 

In America, lots of people actually prank people and conduct these so-called “social experiments” to see if their significant other would be tempted to cheat on them or not. 

Call it a blip of insecurity or an issue of self-esteem but apparently, these types of experiments are popular in the western world. 

Elite Readers reported that one YouTube channel called ‘To Catch a Cheater’ showed how a girlfriend of a certain guy would react if ever she was left alone with a yoga instructor. 

Guy Sets up Bait for His Girlfriend to See If She'll Cheat on Him and This Is How She Reacted to the Trap! UNBELIEVABLE!

The source cited that the guy actually wanted to break up with his girlfriend. It didn’t cite his reasons but he apparently tapped the YouTube channel to set up a trap wherein a trainer would flirt with her while working out. 

The trainer is a big man and he immediately sets up the game. The girl, however, doesn’t sense anything and just went along with him. 

On the other hand, the boyfriend watched the scene and his expression changed. It seemed as if he doesn’t like the way the trainer was handling his girlfriend. 

Guy Sets up Bait for His Girlfriend to See If She'll Cheat on Him and This Is How She Reacted to the Trap! UNBELIEVABLE!

Afterward, it was reported that the trainer invited the girlfriend into a yoga room, where they could try a few workouts all alone

According to the host, the girlfriend passed the test that was initiated by her boyfriend because it was revealed that she admitted to the trainer she’s in a relationship

Meanwhile, the boyfriend doesn’t take it in stride and even shouted in anger. He even said that he planned to break up with her and that, he doesn’t want her to date anyone for a year after their split.

Weird out? Confused? We’re just as baffled as you. Watch the video below for reference: 

What do you think of the guy? If you were pranked by your significant other like this, what would you do?

Tell it to us in the comments section below! 

Source: EliteReaders

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  1. Hahah
    Really an awesome way to check your partner on fidelity.As it's only a prank, I wouldn't be angry on my spouse.
    Other thing if you have real trust issues with your partner.As I experienced that in my previous relationship, I recommend you to check https://www.mspylite.com/ where you can find tips how to crack your partner's lie.



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