Exclusive - MUST WATCH: Viral Little Boy Who Loves To Study Under Mcdonald's Light Was Reunited With The Girl That Changed His Life

Who would have thought that a single photo and a simple act of kindness can change a life forever?

Joyce Torrefranca, who was a MedTech Student was studying that night when they saw the boy who was studying at Mcdonald's. Taking a break from studying, she and her friend decided to grab some food at the fast food restaurant.

"I saw a kid sitting. He was studying on the sidewalk beside a small source of light," Torrefranca said.

Then she told her friend that she felt sorry for the little boy. Her friend told her to take a photo of the kid.

"For me, I have no excuse not to study because I have everything," the former MedTech student said which made her wrote the caption 'I got inspired by a kid' on her post on Facebook.

MUST WATCH: Viral Little Boy Who Loves To Study Under Mcdonald's Light Was Reunited With The Girl That Changed His Life

Then the life of the little boy changed since then. Reports about the photo went viral and many people have been sharing the inspirational story of Daniel. Donations rushed in and Mcdonald's was also able to give Daniel an allowance and pledged to support to his studies until high school.

Daniel Cabrera, the studious boy who has been wanting to finish school, aims to graduate to help his mother. His dream is to become a policeman one day.

Because of his determination, Daniel only walks going to school. Distance is nothing for Daniel, he does not mind even if his school is far from his home.

"At 7 PM, he would say, 'Ma, I have an assignment. I will study there near the light at Mcdonalds's,'" Daniel Cabrera's mother said.

"I said, 'We're poor and your father is gone. We'll endure and carry on,'" she added. 

By the end of the video, Joyce Torrefranca and Daniel Cabrera was reunited and tears of joy were seen in Torrefrance as she saw Daniel once again. 

"I'm happy that we got together again," Torrefranca said.

"The world would be better if we help other people even if we don't receive anything in return," she added.

After a year, Daniel has become part of the top 10 in his 3rd-grade class. As for Torrefranca, she graduated from college and went back to Leyte.

The short film garnered 194,000 likes, 49,928 shares and 4,800 comments on Facebook.

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