Exclusive - SHOCKING! This Man Left His iPhone 7 Charging While He Slept but Woke up Electrified! See the Incident Here!
We’ve all heard of Samsung (and other Android devices) smartphones burning or blasting while plugged in, but have you heard of similar cases of Apple?
Even though Apple has more advanced features, the California-based gadget is still prone to errors now and then.
Case in point: Just consider this 32-year-old man’s story.
According to Elite Readers, Wiley Day of Huntsville, Alabama was charging his iPhone 7 when he woke up, when suddenly he was electrified by the smartphone in 110 volts.
The source mentioned that Day was “lucky to be alive.” They reported that it was Day’s habit to plug in his iPhone 7 every night before sleeping.
He would check his social media accounts a few minutes before getting some shut-eye.
However, one night, as Day moved in his bed, his dog tag apparently “slipped” between the charger’s exposed prongs and its extension cord.
This resulted in him being able to receive the electric charge instead because of the tag’s metallic exterior. As we all know, metals are good (in this case, bad) conductor of an electricity.
Day got jolted by the electricity and immediately woke up on the floor!
That’s right, the shock was enough to reel him towards the floor. According to him, at that exact moment, he was able to think, “This is how you die.”
The source cited that when Day woke up, he felt numb all over his body while a huge pressure “bore down on his neck.”
He shouted for help and got his own family members to wake up.
According to the source, when his niece saw him, she repeatedly shouted “Jesus!” as the bed sheets blew smoke around him.
Meanwhile, his t-shirt nearly caught on fire and was partially destroyed.
Day realized at that point that he had just experienced a terrible electric shock. He said, “I could taste burnt wire in my mouth.”