Exclusive - This Is What Happens To Your Ninangs And Ninongs During Christmas! READ HERE!

For us Filipinos, the holidays are something to look-forward to! 

Even if we are in financial instability, we make sure that the tables are filled with festive meals and the Christmas tree is loaded with gifts. 

Our parents, ninongs and ninangs don't mind if they end up empty-handed at the end of the day just to provide us our holiday wishes!

Here are 7 photos that illustrate the financial sting Christmas brings:

1. Overflowing Sales

This Is What Happens To Your Ninangs And Ninongs During Christmas! READ HERE!

Most people risk going to Divisoria just to bag affordable deals for the family. Unfortunately, sometimes we don’t make it to the sales and we have to settle for paying full price.

2. High-tech Wishes

This Is What Happens To Your Ninangs And Ninongs During Christmas! READ HERE!

Sometimes kids wish for expensive gadgets like iPads. 


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