Viral Now - 3 Effective Home Remedies For Annoying Eczema


Eczema is generally described as an inflammation of the skin and can result in dryness, redness, soreness and extreme irritation and ITCHINESS. It can reach a point of being almost unbearable. For those of us who have experienced eczema, you will understand and sympathize with the unpleasant effects of it.

Avoiding harsh cleaning products and chemicals and understanding the best diet for your skin can be a huge benefit for those with eczema. But when the outbreaks do occur — and sometimes they are nasty and long living, some even with little reprieve over time —  there are some home remedies we can partake in to soothe the pain.

Oatmeal Soak



Oatmeal is a natural moisturizer and nourishes and soothes the skin with its anti-inflammatory properties. You can best apply this to your skin by partaking in an ‘oatmeal soak’ where you place some oats in a piece of cheesecloth or muslin and tie it off to hang it under your bathroom or bath faucet. Let the water run through the oats and you will see a milky sort of consistency come through the water. Soak or apply this to your skin for 10-15 minutes every day and let it work its magic, applying your moisturizer and things as normal afterward. You will be surprised by the results!

Coconut Oil



Eczema, otherwise known as dermatitis, is literally translated as ‘inflamed skin’. This can mean differing symptoms, but generally it is when the skin is inflamed and red and can sometimes even form small blisters that crust over if scratched. Our main goal is to soothe out eczema, soothe the redness and inflammation and bring the itching down. You want products that are as natural as possible so that there aren’t any hidden chemicals or synthetic ingredients that are going to aggravate your eczema. This is why coconut oil is a wonderful product to use. It is an all-natural product that helps us to retain the moisture that skin prone to eczema can often lack, or which has been stripped away by harsh soaps or other chemicals on  the skin. Simply clean your skin gently and then apply as much or as little oil as you like to soothe sore areas every day.

Epsom Salt



Bathing to soothe our skin is one of the most commonly known eczema remedies — in children’s hospitals, they sometimes use mild bleach with bath oils to soothe infected skin. Epsom salts (in the bath) are another good way to gently give the body some overall relief. Baths in general can soothe our stress, which can also be a side effect of skin inflammation and other health issues and stress will only increase your condition. Epsom salts are otherwise known as a ‘hydrated salt’ and combine magnesium and sulfate, which sink in and soothe the skin. For 7-8 weeks promising results would be shown. It also helps with nerve and muscle function, so you will feel an overall relief after this kind of bath.

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